Morning Routines

Morning routines are so important, maybe because they’re part of the most important meal of the day. 

Starting your day with intention will make for a happier and more productive day.

Here are some tips for the morning routine that prepares you for the day you want to have.

1. Hydrate!

When I wake up, the first thing I do is drink at least 8 ounces of water. I’m immediately refreshed, and it’s so good for your digestion and skin to stay hydrated all day long.


Morning coffee or tea are a MUST. I love drinking coffee at home and taking my morning slow so that I’m totally focused for the day.

3. Goal set.

Intentionally planning your day is a workflow necessity. Planning your day gives you a place to start so that you’re not wasting precious time trying to figure out what needs to be done.

4. Wake up at a set time.

I am not here to tell you that success only comes in the form of a 4:30 am wake up call. However, having a regular wake up time is a huge piece of an intentional and productive morning where you’re refreshed and focused. If you normally start work at 9am, give yourself at least a full hour to have the relaxed morning you deserve.

5. SPF.

No matter what, you put that SPF on and then you’re ready to conquer your day.

Abbi Karge