Tips on How to Crush the Facade of Social Media Perfection
As a small business you want to show that you have everything together, because otherwise people won’t take you seriously. Right? Nope. That’s not always the case in today’s society.
When starting a business whether it’s big or small, we each have the “ideal customer” in mind. Your ideal customer is the essence of your business and what drives you to be the best you can be. What I’m here to tell you is that your “ideal customer” will be drawn to your imperfect authenticity more than the facade of perfection that permeates from modern marketing--the biggest culprit? Social Media.
We are all out here trying to show the best version of ourselves, but it tends to get a little old when “perfection” becomes the 24/7 norm from everyone. As humans we are drawn to the genuineness of someone’s actions. We want to know that we aren’t alone in this world, and it’s hard to differentiate what is real and what isn’t. So here are a few tips to remind yourself when
Be imperfect:
Like I said earlier. Your ideal customer will be drawn to your unique and genuine style and will feel refreshed when they can connect and be on the same level. Because running a business is all about connection and partnerships, so take advantage of that and be yourself.
Embrace your mistakes (in life and in your business):
Embracing your mistakes helps tear down that wall that we tend to build when we don’t want anyone to know that we are imperfect humans. Everyone has an “Oh crap” moment, or a moment that made them feel like their world is crashing down. But the more honest you are the closer you come to connecting with your ideal customer.
Don’t overthink:
We’ve been told this our entire life. “Don’t sweat the small stuff!” Well, how in the heck are we not supposed to sweat the small stuff when it’s our business that we’ve worked so hard on!?
The simple answer is-- It’s not easy, but you just have to remind yourself that as much as you think that all eyes are on you.. everyone else is thinking the same thing. The right people will appreciate the imperfection, mistakes, and most likely bond with you over similar things that they have experienced.
My goal is to work closely with each of my clients to help them promote their most genuine and authentic selves through social media by crushing the facade of perfection. So if you need help with expressing your unique business through social media, let's get coffee and chat!