3 Tips on How to Start Your Day Off Right


Starting your day off right. Some people take this seriously and some (like me) don’t. I consider myself a night owl, and finish up all of my “to dos” late into the night and then sleep in as late as I possibly can. But there was one morning where I had to (begrudgingly) be up with the sun to run an errand for a family member.

I walked outside to my car and noticed how cool and quiet it was. Not as many cars passing by and it seemed even the birds weren’t awake yet. Something about it made me feel completely at ease and made me start thinking about the things I was missing with all of my sleeping in business. 

So I took a couple weeks and found a rhythm that helps motivate me to get up and start the day with intention rather than anticipation for craziness to happen. 

Find something that makes you excited to be up at an hour you’re not used to


Something that helps my brain and gets me motivated to get up is if I give myself an incentive. So for example I’ll tell myself that if I get up after my first alarm that I’ll get a drink from my favorite coffee shop down the street. So whatever that incentive may be for you, find it and give yourself a little treat for sticking to your guns.


Another thing that helps me start off my day is if I make a habit to go outside with my cup of coffee or tea. It wakes me up in a peaceful way, and can be a nice way to gather your thoughts before taking on the day.

Be intentional: 

Write a list of things that need to be done that day. Make sure that they are reasonable and that you have enough time in your day to get each task done so that you don’t have any tasks carrying over to the next day. 

These are just a few things that help me be a better me for my clients and for everyone that interacts with me. Let me know what your morning routine is!